Orchard Down

Homeowners' Association

Welcome to our new website! We hope this updated, streamlined webpage will suit your needs. Please use the menu on the left to navigate our website. If you have any website feedback, please email Samantha at president@orcharddown.org.

Community News and Events

The September 18th Board Meeting has been cancelled.

The next regular Board meeting will be held on October 16th at 7 pm in the Timberhill Athletic Club.

The draft of the Annual Owner Meeting minutes from 2024 has been uploaded.

Regular Board meetings are held every third Wednesday of the month at 7 pm in the Timberhill Athletic Club.

The Board is considering moving to quarterly meetings.

What's New

9/9/2024: Approved minutes of the 2023 Annual Owner Meeting have been posted.

3/27/2024: The Spring 2024 newsletter, invitations to the Annual Owner Meeting, financials for 2023, and assessment ("dues") notices should arrive during the first week of April. As agreed upon in 2021, dues will increase to $200 for 2024. This is the last year of three successive 10% rate increases. and the new level of assessments will surely be discussed at the July Annual Owner Meeting.

ODHA signed a new management contract with Fleming Properties LLC  and we will continue landscaping services with A&H Landscaping. 

1/18/2024: Dates and times for the 2024 monthly board meetings and the annual ODHA meeting have been posted to the "Board Meeting Schedule" tab. 

8/17/2023: Meeting notes for the past few years have been uploaded to the "Meeting Minutes" tab. 

ARC application forms are now digital! They can be found on the "ARC Applications" tab.